Mertes Internet Ministries believes that it is by the word of our testimony that we overcome
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. Revelations 12:11
Our salvation is made by the confession of our mouth, Romans 10:9-11, but our walk with God and our victory over the trials of this life here on earth are by our diligent study of the Life giving Word of God and our confession. When we testify of how we discovered a promise of God that provided victory, we strengthen each other. The Internet was originally intended to house research documents and provide communication between strategic government facilities. The World Wide Web has exploded this original intent to include so much more. But the original intent is still there and very much what God has planned for it, the publishing of His Word, teachings about His Word and our testimonies.
Here are a collection of testimonies I have enjoyed reading.
Phebe Clark Mertes
Webmaster of MIM
Dennis Jernigan
Dennis is a musician that came out of homosexuality and entered into the love of God. (This is a long document)
Frank Senter
His story about God’s protection of a little boy from a Cheetah.
Timothy Abraham
A story about persecution for his belief in Jesus Christ.

For any corrections please contact the webmaster
Mertes Internet Ministries
College Station, TX 77845
[email protected]
This page last updated: 11/26/98